
Posts Tagged ‘optimism’

Christmas is a time our hearts turn to the Savior Jesus Christ. This is a true story of one woman’s experience as she learns that the Lord loves us and knows our specific circumstances.

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Two days ago, I was requested to participate in a series of corporate training called the “Fearless Leadership Program.” At first I thought it was a waste of my time. I was already being pulled in many different directions and I thought that one more training—with many succeeding sessions—was too much for me to bear. I thought I had more important things to do, but I was wrong.

I didn’t know what to expect from the training. The title itself sparked my curiosity. Fearless Leadership. Will they be providing a lecture on how to become fierce in implementing mandates from executive management? Or teach us how to be tougher or more strict towards our team members? I couldn’t wait to attend and find out.

All my qualms were quenched after the first session. To my surprise, it wasn’t at all what I thought it would be. The initial session focused on understanding our entire lives—from childhood to present—and analyzing situations that happened in the past that influence the kind of persons we are today. I was very uncomfortable at first. I didn’t want to reveal some things about the past—my childhood, my family, my experiences—that I’ve always kept hidden, even from myself. But as I saw how the other participants opened themselves up and shared their experiences freely, I allowed myself to open up and share my experiences as well. By doing so, I was able to understand myself a little bit more—why my priorities are such; what motivates me; why I react to certain situations the way I do. It was, I should say, a liberating experience.

As I listened to the stories that were shared that afternoon, I learned that people have common experiences—albeit different scenarios—that either make them or break them. In most instances, seemingly negative experiences that each participant overcame brought about success beyond what they expected or imagined. Those who thrived during the trying moments came out victorious as they looked at their previous challenges as stepping stones instead of stumbling blocks.

Some of us may be in a similar situation today. Some may be struggling to overcome certain challenges that may appear to be too negative at the moment. Let us keep in mind that these circumstances are temporary and if we gather the courage to overcome, we can look forward to that day when we could look back and stand, having a better perspective that these things will be for our own good.

Enjoy the rest of the week everybody! And remember, there’s always a rainbow after the rain! 🙂

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(Photograph by Stephen Felix Ambrosio)

A story was told of a group of people who were each given a piece of candy to eat and a pebble to put inside their shoe while they walked around a large hall for a few minutes. Each participant was asked to write down their impression after the exercise. Most did not mention about the candy and focused more on the discomfort of walking with a pebble inside their shoe.

The person who related the story went on to describe how we, as human beings, have the tendency to focus more on the uncomfortable pebbles of life (our challenges) rather than enjoying the sweetness of our candies(our blessings). Sometimes we get caught up with our daily struggles that we forget to count our blessings and look at the brighter side of things. There are moments when we give more attention to our flaws and weaknesses rather than our strengths and qualities. We sometimes give in to the lure of criticizing rather than commending.

What a great reminder for us to start looking at the glass as half full and not half empty! 🙂  I believe that as we strive to do so, we will live happier lives filled with love, peace, and contentment.

Have a fabulous week everybody!!! 🙂

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I was moved by my daughter’s shout out this morning in a popular social networking site: “Mistakes don’t define you, they refine you.” How true that statement is.

Have we ever been in a position where we felt more righteous than our neighbor? Have we ever looked down on anyone because of a mistake they have committed? Have we ever held on to bitter feelings or grudges and refused to grant forgiveness to someone who has sincerely asked for it?

When we are tempted to do any of these, let us try to step back and remember to judge not and examine ourselves if we are indeed clean and are in a position to point fingers or withhold our pardon.

I have watched this short clip about being careful on how we judge others and wanted to share it with all of you. It’s called “Looking through Windows.”

Enjoy the film and the rest of the week everybody!!!  🙂

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The way we react to adversity can be a major factor in how happy and successful we can be in life.

I’d like to share these excerpts taken from a general conference talk of Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin as he spoke of an advice given him by his mother when as a young man he came home discouraged after losing a game of football.

The complete transcript of his talk may be found in:


Enjoy watching!! 🙂

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I have truly missed writing.

Lately, I have been preoccupied with my profession that I didn’t get a chance to write anymore. I realized that if it’s something that I really love, then I’d better make time for it. And so here I am. 🙂

It had been a remarkable weekend. I spent some quality time with my dearest sister planning and preparing for her daughter’s upcoming birthday. We see each other every weekend, together with the rest of our brothers and their families, but it has been awhile since we spent that much time alone. I kinda miss her.

But I recognize that love is eternal and it’s something we feel even if we haven’t seen those who are dear to us for a long time or even if they’ve already gone beyond the veil. Our hearts just never forget.

Hence I was touched to hear the words spoken by President Diether F. Uchtdorf during his address to the largest women organization on the earth. He spoke about a tiny flower called forget-me-not and used it as a metaphor to remind his audience to consider five things he would want them never to forget.

He said: “Forget not to be patient with yourself… Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice… Forget not to be happy now… Forget not the ‘why’ of the gospel… [and] Forget not that the Lord loves you.”

It was a very inspiring talk. I was reminded of a lot of things that I have almost forgotten.  Just like President Uchtdorf when he was a young boy, I sometimes feel small and insignificant in this vast world we live in. It was good to be reminded that we are “known and remembered by the most majestic, powerful, and glorious Being in the universe!” That “He who created and knows the stars knows [us] and [our] name.” That our ‘Heavenly Father knows, loves, and cherishes [us].” It was a humbling thought and it gave me such a reverent feeling.

I’ve posted President Uchtdorf’s talk here for those of you who haven’t heard it. And to those who have, it wouldn’t hurt to listen to it again! 🙂

Enjoy the rest of the week everybody!!  🙂 Take care!!! 🙂

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I was once enjoying late lunch with a friend when out of the blue a large fly swirled around us trying to get its share of our exotic meal! The waitress at the restaurant was embarrassed yet attentive enough to see our situation and immediately brought a medium-sized candle on our table –apparently to help shoo away our uninvited guest.

But instead of avoiding the clear sign of danger, the impulsive insect dove straight into the candle light as if toying with its fate. It naturally burned its wings and within a blink of an eye dropped onto the plate of my horrified friend. We couldn’t believe how fast things happened. We found ourselves trying to get the fly off the table while its body wiggled and struggled to get out of its predicament. It dropped onto the floor and while my friend told me to step on it, I only watched it literally “walk” its way out of our presence, limping and squirming with pain. It must’ve been terrified by the thought of its imminent death as well. We never knew if it made its way back home, or if its wings ever healed again, but it certainly suffered the excruciating consequence of its action.

We paused for awhile and thought how foolish that fly was for going straight into the candle light without thinking of the consequences. Yet between the long pauses, all my friend could utter was this: “Temptation.”

How many times in our lives have we acted like this foolish fly? We recognize danger and yet we sometimes think we are strong enough to withstand it so we head straight towards it and eventually burn our “wings.” Hopefully when this happens we won’t be placed in a situation where it’s too late to turn back and like the foolish fly suffer the consequences of our actions. I pray that in our dealings with our weaknesses and temptations we can gather the essential courage to mend our ways, get back on the right path, and be given enough time to eventually make amends and set things right.

Enjoy the weekend everybody and keep these thoughts in mind the next time you see a fly swirling around a candle light.

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(Photograph by Melanie Gapiz)

After three years of planning, preparation, and thousands of cumulative hours of participant rehearsals, the Jubilee celebration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has finally come!!! 🙂

As I sat on the edge of my seat watching the festivity and cheering the other participants, I was extremely grateful and my heart was overcome with emotions for having had the privilege of being part of the momentous occasion! 🙂

Throughout the course of the rehearsals, I witnessed how the opposition worked his way through various means, using different people and their weaknesses, to try to stop this effort from progressing.  I have seen many frustrated faces, and people quitting in the midst of all the preparations due to disappointments and discouragement. Some left simply because they got exhausted and did not see the grand outcome that was meant to be. Many cynics doubted and some begrudgingly supported the event.

Yet a great majority withstood the test and endured to the very end. These are the ones who enjoyed their journey and learned the sweetness of its value as they looked forward to their destination. These are they who, despite their mortal differences, learned to exercise the virtue of patience, long-suffering, forgiveness, and humility. They are the ones who experienced the joy of service, unconditional love, and found among themselves new and lasting friendships.  

At the end of the celebration, I realized that all the grand preparations made were befitting the occasion. It was a token of gratitude from the Filipino people to our God and King, for all the blessings we received on this land since the preaching of the gospel 50 years ago. It was worth all the hard work putting everything together—our talents, our time—to come up with the best that we could offer Him. Hence, I was moved and most grateful to hear, by the mouth of one of His servants, that our offerings had been accepted.

I think that life in general will be like this Jubilee celebration. The preparations will not be easy for the glorious end. Many will fall and lose their way. Yet those who will endure to the end will receive their sweetest reward—much more than they have ever imagined.

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Don’t miss this one on the power of words to completely transform a moment.

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My daughter is graduating from college today and I think I’m feeling a little nostalgic. 🙂

It’s a wonderful privilege to be a parent and to be given responsibility to help shape the life of a human being on this earth. I have witnessed many unforgettable miracles in the course of this amazing experience. I remember the day she was born as if it happened only yesterday—and now she is about to embark on her adult role in the society. This tells me that I am now really getting old, but more importantly, it shows me how much Divine support I have received from our Heavenly Father all these years. 

I have a testimony that, as parents, we are given the task to watch over His children here on earth and in a lot of instances we are entitled to receive various promptings for the sake of their well-being.  Our Father loved these children even before we even had them and He cares for their success and happiness as much as we do.

I am extremely grateful for the chance given me to be a mother of two wonderful souls. They have taught me so much and the best moments I’ve spent in my life were those I spent with them.  Each phase of their individual lives gave me an opportunity to live them as well, and because of that I consider mine as such an abundant life with numerous colorful and exciting experiences! I am, indeed, blessed!!

Here’s to the graduating students out there, most especially my daughter.  I wish you all the best in life and I pray that in time you would find your special place under the sun. I hope that in all your endeavors you would remember to look up for support, and to get down on your knees as often as you can. Remember to give thanks for everything you will be blessed with and to share those blessings with the rest of our Father’s children in any way you can. Keep in mind to always be meek no matter how much success you will one day achieve. Life will be harsh at times, but try not to lose track of your eternal perspective. Enjoy life and remember to always make time for those things that matter most. Congratulations on your graduation!!!

I’d also like to extend my congratulations to all the parents who continually support and now so proudly walk behind their graduates. Cheers!! 🙂

To Jessica, my daughter: I love you and I am so very proud of you!!! Here’s lots of tight hugs and my warmest kisses. 🙂

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(Photograph by Franco Advincula)

I have fear of heights. I get a little dizzy even by just looking down while on a mall escalator or walking near the large glass windows on the third floor of a 30-storey building. I thought I would someday “outgrow” it, but now that I’m old (err, old enough), I’ve finally given up hope. 🙂

However, I have learned to manage this fear that those around me seldom notice how scared I become near the edge of anything above my own height. I usually bite my tongue in order to avoid screaming like I used to when I was younger, or I simply never look down.

The other day I attended a meeting where I’ve learned how important it is to reach for the proverbial heights. By listening to the remarks made by a general authority, I realized that we ought to let our light so shine and not be afraid of showing our works in order to strengthen another—thereby taking us to a higher, more glorious ground.

I always thought that keeping our accomplishments within ourselves was the modest way to go, but I discovered that there are times when sharing our achievements will help empower our fellowmen to reach for their potentials. It is our intention that makes all the difference.

So, YES!! Let us aim high and not be afraid of the challenges that we may encounter along the way—for there will be many. And even when we get scared at times and feel like screaming, let us hold it together until we reach our worthiest goals. I have faith that after all we can do, He will be there to catch us when we’ve already given our very best and yet we still find ourselves lacking or perhaps sometimes even a little bit dizzy.

Take care of yourselves everybody! Reach for the stars and enjoy the rest of the week!! 🙂

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People all around the world were moved by the recent catastrophe that hit Japan. I watched in the news a rescued man speaking about his survival experience and although he spoke in Japanese, I could feel and understand the sadness and trauma that he underwent after his ordeal. An old woman clung to a tree the entire evening for dear life and was rescued the following day. Buildings and homes were destroyed beyond anything anyone has ever imagined. The wrath and power of nature was only to be endured with utmost acquiescence and without question.

Through my years of existence, I learned that no matter what race we come from, whatever language we speak, whosoever we worship, we have similar innate characteristics that prove to me that we all come from the same source and are undeniably all connected as an entire human race.

In the midst of this calamity, tensions had been set aside for a moment among countries. Nations sent all they could to support and assist Japan in their current needs. The resilience of people was remarkable and it was touching to see the overflow of human kindness during this time of grief and loss.

Yet no matter how negative this experience was for many people, a lot of us also learned numerous positive things that will remain in our hearts for a long time. This experience taught me that even strong nations and seemingly independent, affluent countries still appreciate offers of assistance coming from their neighbors in times of trials and adversity. Similarly, our fellowmen who seem strong and independent will appreciate our support and encouragement in times of trials in their lives.

It was also admirable to see how the Japanese people remained calm and focused in spite of the overwhelming devastation that gripped their country. Collectively, they had the determination to rebuild their homes and individually extended help to those who needed it. Survivors orderly lined up and waited for whatever basic relief commodities were distributed to them. A spirit of unity was prevalent across the land.

In our times of trial, we can learn from their example by being still and enduring the tribulation with patience and faith and being grateful for the moral support of our friends and family and the Divine help that is always extended to those who seek it.

It may take a few months or a few years before Japan can get its nation back to where it was before the earthquake, but the lessons we’ve learned should very well not be forgotten.

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Listen and watch as Stephanie Nielson, a survivor of a near-fatal plane crash that left most of her skin burnt, shares her story of hope and triumph despite her great trial and how she describes her beautiful life centered on faith in Jesus Christ and love of family.

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(Photograph by Franco Advincula)

There was a remarkable interview I watched last week of an old man who was considered a pioneer in his homeland. His voice was coarse during the interview, speaking humbly while carrying an unassuming countenance.

A couple of things caught my attention while listening to him. Although people acknowledged him for being their country’s first in a few significant things, he didn’t let it go to his head and meekly said that he was just in the right place at the right time when those things happened in his life. He said it didn’t matter much that he was first, but that he was more interested in enduring to the end. He also wisely counselled that when we are called to do the Lord’s errand we should not care who takes the credit, but instead focus on doing our very best to push the wheel and help move the work forward.

I think there was a lot of wisdom in that old man’s words. It could be tempting to feel proud in an arrogant way when great things happen to us, but like him I think it would be good to be mindful of our ways and always keep our feet on the ground.

I also admired his quiet resolve to unconditionally labor and assist in the Lord’s work here on earth. I esteemed him as one who would take the limelight away from himself and toil silently where the Lord needed his efforts—such  a profitable servant and a great example worthy of emulation.


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Happy New Year everybody!!! 🙂 It’s the first Monday of the year and I’m very excited about the pretty cool resolutions we’ve written down at our Family Home Evening tonight! 🙂

Of course I am bound by the undeclared pact of secrecy that surrounds these things, hence, I won’t be able to share with you what we wrote, but suffice it to say that they involve goals that will improve not only our lives as individuals and as a family, but others’ as well—and so I am extremely pleased! 🙂

I think that the New Year can offer us a clean slate, a new beginning, a time to focus on creating a brighter future and a chance to correct the mistakes of the past. In fact, I believe that in order for us to progress and reach our potentials, it is oftentimes best to look forward and hope for the wonderful things, rather than looking back and dwelling on the bad things that happened in our lives.   

In the coming year, I wish that we would all be able to continue doing the things that we are doing well, and get better at things that we need to improve on. As I always say: Let us all keep on keeping on!! 🙂

Here’s a fun video I found about moving forward and not looking behind us.

Have a great and fabulous year everybody!!! 🙂

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