
Posts Tagged ‘God’s creations’

I have truly missed writing.

Lately, I have been preoccupied with my profession that I didn’t get a chance to write anymore. I realized that if it’s something that I really love, then I’d better make time for it. And so here I am. 🙂

It had been a remarkable weekend. I spent some quality time with my dearest sister planning and preparing for her daughter’s upcoming birthday. We see each other every weekend, together with the rest of our brothers and their families, but it has been awhile since we spent that much time alone. I kinda miss her.

But I recognize that love is eternal and it’s something we feel even if we haven’t seen those who are dear to us for a long time or even if they’ve already gone beyond the veil. Our hearts just never forget.

Hence I was touched to hear the words spoken by President Diether F. Uchtdorf during his address to the largest women organization on the earth. He spoke about a tiny flower called forget-me-not and used it as a metaphor to remind his audience to consider five things he would want them never to forget.

He said: “Forget not to be patient with yourself… Forget not the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice… Forget not to be happy now… Forget not the ‘why’ of the gospel… [and] Forget not that the Lord loves you.”

It was a very inspiring talk. I was reminded of a lot of things that I have almost forgotten.  Just like President Uchtdorf when he was a young boy, I sometimes feel small and insignificant in this vast world we live in. It was good to be reminded that we are “known and remembered by the most majestic, powerful, and glorious Being in the universe!” That “He who created and knows the stars knows [us] and [our] name.” That our ‘Heavenly Father knows, loves, and cherishes [us].” It was a humbling thought and it gave me such a reverent feeling.

I’ve posted President Uchtdorf’s talk here for those of you who haven’t heard it. And to those who have, it wouldn’t hurt to listen to it again! 🙂

Enjoy the rest of the week everybody!!  🙂 Take care!!! 🙂

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(Photograph by Roxanne Juele-Montojo)

I accidentally watched the final part of a beautiful sunset today inside the car while my friend and I were stuck in heavy traffic on our way to the grocery. I didn’t move the car until I couldn’t see the orange part of the sun anymore. I guess the driver of the car behind me was just as fascinated with the view because I didn’t hear any honks as I enjoyed the moment—or perhaps I just zoned out and time stood still. It felt at that time as if it was just me and the setting sun.

Anyway, earlier in the day, her dog gave her a dead bird “offering” which she found a little bit gross. But I related to her a story I once heard about a cat offering its owner a mouse in exchange for his kindness. In its unique feline world, bringing a dead mouse as a gift must be the grandest and ultimate thing he could do to express his gratitude to his owner for giving him all that he had.

How similar our offerings are to our Creator! He who owns everything in this world does not need anything we can ever offer. But He appreciates all that we do offer Him and asks for no more than a humble heart and a contrite spirit. And when we finally give whatever it is that He had asked of us, He blesses us even more!!

How can we ever repay Him and His goodness? Our offerings must be like the dead bird or mouse. Yet He continues to paint rainbows in the sky and gives us breathtaking sunsets. We are eternally indebted to Him for everything that we have and are, and yet as a parent myself, I know that our Father in Heaven doesn’t need any of our offerings for Him to continue loving us unconditionally and unequivocally. He simply does.


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Someone once said: “I don’t believe in miracles, I depend on them.” I thought that was an interesting line and it applies to me as well.

My whole life is full of miracles, great and small. Beginning from the circumstances under which I was born and raised, to surviving many life-threatening situations and challenges. Through it all and until this very moment, I have seen how the hands of God have delivered me in many, many instances and for that my heart is overflowing with gratitude.

Last night during dinner with some of my colleagues, I wasn’t surprised when someone exclaimed, “It’s a good thing you’re still here.” And I feel the same way! 🙂 It’s good to still be here, alive and facing all the challenges and enjoying all the wonderful blessings of this experience called life.

And despite the unending battles we are all facing; it is good to know that we are not alone. That as children of a divine nature, we are entitled to divine assistance if we only look up, reach out and ask.  

I know that faith precedes miracles. Even faith as small as a tiny seed of mustard can make the Red Sea part, raise a person from the dead, free an entire nation from bondage, or make all of our heavy burdens seem light. These things have happened before and they can happen again—even in a very personal way for each of us.

The promise was once given: “And I will also ease the burdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs…; and this will I do that ye may stand as witnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their afflictions” (Mosiah 24:14).

As I sat on the shore of a beach listening to the sound of the rushing waves this past weekend, I couldn’t help but admire the beauty and magnificence of God’s creations and I couldn’t even begin to comprehend the miracle of it all! But I am definitely most grateful to be in and part of it because I don’t just believe in miracles, I depend on them every single day. 🙂

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(Photograph by Edwin Redrino)

It stands humbly—yet majestically—in the midst of the Queen City of the South. Its elegant furnishings and fine craftsmanship befit an edifice worthy to be dedicated to Him who has created a masterpiece Himself. Beyond the admiration of the structure, a quiet reverence can be felt by those who walk along its hallways and ponder inside its rooms—a calm and peaceful grandeur that may only be experienced within the walls of any similar creation. Undeniably, the Cebu City Philippines Temple IS a House of the Lord.

Visitors poured in and out daily to view its interiors. A feeling of worship and respect for Deity bathed those who entered its premises. Many—including those who were sceptics—experienced something they did not expect. Most people left in awe and walked home with a sense of pride that such a building exists in their midst. The heavens smiled upon this building as hearts have been warmed and a lot of souls expanded. Countless miracles have already happened and are yet to be seen within the confines of its walls. And the people will tremendously be blessed!!

How grateful my heart is for the opportunity to see it; to walk through its doors and be among the witnesses of its dedication this weekend. Most certainly a heaven on earth, I am grateful for yet another fulfillment of the words of Isaiah when he said:

“And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it.

“And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths…” (Isa. 2:2–3.)

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This day marks the second year since this blogger posted her first scribbling on this blog site now known as “Riches of Eternity.” How time flies!!!

Needless to say, the experience has been very rewarding—with the many wonderful readers I have met in person and online, and all the lessons we’ve learned from each other’s thoughts and teachings. This has been an amazing cyberspace journey I didn’t expect to last. But it did. And for that I am most grateful.

I am thankful for the privilege to share my thoughts through the pages of this blog; for the lessons I have learned from each of the experiences and testimonies you’ve shared; for the Spirit that touched our lives through the written words; for those who have encouraged and inspired me to write and to keep writing; for my friends who have let me use their photos of God’s creations that graced each of my blog entries; for your comments and visits; and basically for all your constant support. THANK YOU SOOO VERY MUCH!!! 🙂

I strongly believe that we should celebrate life and all its exciting milestones!! From the simplest first steps of a little child, or a blooming plant inside the bathroom, or a pound of weight lost after dieting for a week, to the more complicated ones as reaching the sixth month since starting a friendship with someone who turns out to be our best friend!!! 🙂

Whatever it is that you are commemorating today, come and celebrate with me!!! 🙂


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(Photograph by Eunice Ruth Barilea)

What a difference one person can make in the lives of many!! A former Philippine president passed away over the weekend and she will always be remembered in the pages of our history as an “Icon of Democracy.” Leaving behind a life well-spent, she told her family during her last moments that she was ready to meet her Maker.

As I watched people lined up the streets of a business district to pay tribute to her, I wished I would be as ready as her when my time is up! 🙂 And that I would also be surrounded by my family and friends when my turn to pass through the veil comes. 🙂

At a workshop I attended last month, a video was shown of a Carnegie Mellon teacher fighting pancreatic cancer who said in his lecture: “We don’t beat the reaper by living longer, but by living well, and living fully—for the reaper will come for all of us.”

How true. Nobody knows when that call will come, but it will come. May we be able to live a life that makes a difference—a life that touches those whom we come in contact with in a positive way. May we be remembered for the good things that we strive to do everyday, and may our name be honored by those we will leave behind.

It is true that we cannot please everybody, but in the end I think that the ultimate Being to please is really our Creator and the Father of our souls. 🙂

Have a good week everybody! 🙂

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(Photograph by Edwin Redrino)


My heart was touched at the gesture of a fine young lady as she gently stroked the back of her older brother who was a special child. One could feel the genuine love she had for him and the sincere affection her brother must have felt in his heart for her action.


Most people tend to walk away from special people—either afraid or confused on how to react—but this young woman’s pure display of affection demonstrated to me what it means to have unconditional love. I felt a tremendous amount of respect for her and a tinge of sadness in my heart for I was once given a chance to handle a similar situation, but wasn’t able to respond the way she did. L


Later that day, it felt heartwarming to listen to her and my children sing a beautiful song about an individual’s worth. The first part of the song goes:


“All I need do is remember,

If ever I wonder if I am of worth,

Remember my Savior; what He did for me,

When He walked among men on this earth.


“Pain and unspeakable sorrow,

He bore for my sins there, in Gethsemane,

Then He gave up His life as He hung on the cross

And He did it all for me.


“For I am of worth, of infinite worth,

My Savior, Redeemer loves me.

Yes, I am of worth, of infinite worth,

I’ll be what He wants me to be.


“I will praise Him, I will serve Him,

I will grow in His love

And fulfill my divine destiny…”


(“I Walk By Faith Songbook,” by Janice Kapp Perry & Joy Saunders Lundberg)



Such a divine knowledge that we are all of infinite worth! J Yes, and perhaps even more so for special people around us! And although we may not know the answer to all the whys we have in this world, I trust that someday we will—and I so look forward to it! J

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I was in the middle of entertaining some friends and family on the night of December 1 when I received a very excited call from my very good friend.


“Have you seen the moon tonight??!” she asked.


What?! She’s calling me about the moon?” I thought to myself. I always teased this friend about her being prim and proper, and the last thing I expected from her was a thrilled call about the moon. J


Uhm, nope. I’m having dinner with some guests,” I replied.


“Come on, look at the moon!! Look at it!!” she urged.


I was a bit puzzled about her behaviour, but being the nature lover that I am, I walked out on my guests into an open field where I could have a good view of the sky. Unfortunately for me, it was too cloudy from where I was that I couldn’t see the moon.


She was dismayed that I didn’t get to see it. She said the moon was “smiling” and described it as “a real phenomenon” that I unfortunately missed. I didn’t think much about it and didn’t know what I missed until I saw this photo and article from the National Geographic News today.



(Photo by National Geographic News)


The heaven was literally smiling down on us!!! J Almost encouraging us to cheer up during these tough times. I find it quite interesting that the star in Bethlehem has its modern equivalent in this age of emoticons!!! A heavenly smiley face seen across the world!!! 🙂 How fun!!!J It must have truly been a marvel and a spectacular sight to behold!! 


I might have missed witnessing this celestial wonder, and it’s definitely a sign of the times, but I’m grateful to have seen its photos and for having friends who care enough to make me stop and enjoy the beauty of God’s creations! What a blessing it is to be reminded that our Creator lives and manages His celestial designs from above, whether anciently or in our modern times! J


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