
Archive for the ‘friendship’ Category

bone cancer ribbon

I visited my college best friend who is suffering from stage 4 cancer in the hospital and was a bit surprised at the changes that happened to her in almost two weeks that I haven’t seen her. I was pre-occupied with a couple of wonderful things that happened at our home front that I didn’t get a chance to drop by.

Just a couple of weeks ago, she was saying that her hair was too long and that she wanted to get a haircut ‘coz her natural curls were showing. I told her to just leave it alone and I was glad that she listened, because then she was able to enjoy her hair for a couple more weeks before they all fell out after her chemotherapy. Her cheeks were puffed from steroids. Her amputated leg rested on the bed. Her platelet count dropped to 14—way below the normal standard count of 150. I could say that she had all the reasons to complain—but she didn’t.

She welcomed me with a warm smile and I knew that if she only could, she would leap out of that bed to give me a big, tight hug. I was humbled by the sight of her. Such a strong spirit who refuses to give in to the frailties of this mortal existence.

We talked for a couple of hours to catch up on things that happened for the past couple of weeks. Her illness has not changed her outlook in life. She spoke about her husband and children with a twinkle in her eye—proud of their achievements and a deep love for them that I could sense as she described their activities. We laughed about personal jokes and discussed things that we planned to do in the coming days. She is the same person that I’ve known for more than three decades now despite her missing leg and hair. I quietly admired her strength of character and faith in God’s eternal plan.

I came to visit her that day in the hope of cheering her up, but it was me who benefitted more from that experience as I left her room and felt gratitude for all the things I have been blessed with that matter most in life—health, family and friends.

May we continue to treasure the things that matter most in life. Let’s have the faith and courage to face our challenges with a hope that these things are but for a small moment, and that our eternal rewards go beyond what our human minds can truly comprehend.

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Last night, I had the privilege of watching the award-winning Broadway and West End musical Wicked. One could easily be deceived about its plot because by looking at the posters where a green, wicked witch was portrayed, one would think it was about potions and magic spells similar to Harry Potter.

I was pleasantly surprised to find out it was about something much, much deeper than that. It was about being accepting of other people who are different from us. It was about loyalty and friendship. It was about tolerance. It was about defying the odds and focusing on our individual talents. It was about love.

I guess I needed to see that show last night. Someone pointed out to me this morning that people have their own different ways of dealing with things and what works for me might not work for another, and that I have to be respectful of that. Point very well taken.

And so I wanted to share that with all of you today. Let’s remind ourselves every time we are tempted to judge other people that we are all unique individuals. Oftentimes, there are no right or wrong ways. We just need to be accepting and allow others to grow at their own pace and by their own means.

As the Beatles say, “Love is all we need.”

A very happy advanced Valentine’s Day everybody!! Here’s wishing you all lots of love on that day and always!!! 🙂 ❤

*hugs and kisses*

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I was once enjoying late lunch with a friend when out of the blue a large fly swirled around us trying to get its share of our exotic meal! The waitress at the restaurant was embarrassed yet attentive enough to see our situation and immediately brought a medium-sized candle on our table –apparently to help shoo away our uninvited guest.

But instead of avoiding the clear sign of danger, the impulsive insect dove straight into the candle light as if toying with its fate. It naturally burned its wings and within a blink of an eye dropped onto the plate of my horrified friend. We couldn’t believe how fast things happened. We found ourselves trying to get the fly off the table while its body wiggled and struggled to get out of its predicament. It dropped onto the floor and while my friend told me to step on it, I only watched it literally “walk” its way out of our presence, limping and squirming with pain. It must’ve been terrified by the thought of its imminent death as well. We never knew if it made its way back home, or if its wings ever healed again, but it certainly suffered the excruciating consequence of its action.

We paused for awhile and thought how foolish that fly was for going straight into the candle light without thinking of the consequences. Yet between the long pauses, all my friend could utter was this: “Temptation.”

How many times in our lives have we acted like this foolish fly? We recognize danger and yet we sometimes think we are strong enough to withstand it so we head straight towards it and eventually burn our “wings.” Hopefully when this happens we won’t be placed in a situation where it’s too late to turn back and like the foolish fly suffer the consequences of our actions. I pray that in our dealings with our weaknesses and temptations we can gather the essential courage to mend our ways, get back on the right path, and be given enough time to eventually make amends and set things right.

Enjoy the weekend everybody and keep these thoughts in mind the next time you see a fly swirling around a candle light.

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I strongly believe in the message of this video clip. I believe that for relationships to work, we should spend time with, cherish, and express love to the people we hold dear. Enjoy watching! 🙂

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(Photograph by Melanie Gapiz)

After three years of planning, preparation, and thousands of cumulative hours of participant rehearsals, the Jubilee celebration of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has finally come!!! 🙂

As I sat on the edge of my seat watching the festivity and cheering the other participants, I was extremely grateful and my heart was overcome with emotions for having had the privilege of being part of the momentous occasion! 🙂

Throughout the course of the rehearsals, I witnessed how the opposition worked his way through various means, using different people and their weaknesses, to try to stop this effort from progressing.  I have seen many frustrated faces, and people quitting in the midst of all the preparations due to disappointments and discouragement. Some left simply because they got exhausted and did not see the grand outcome that was meant to be. Many cynics doubted and some begrudgingly supported the event.

Yet a great majority withstood the test and endured to the very end. These are the ones who enjoyed their journey and learned the sweetness of its value as they looked forward to their destination. These are they who, despite their mortal differences, learned to exercise the virtue of patience, long-suffering, forgiveness, and humility. They are the ones who experienced the joy of service, unconditional love, and found among themselves new and lasting friendships.  

At the end of the celebration, I realized that all the grand preparations made were befitting the occasion. It was a token of gratitude from the Filipino people to our God and King, for all the blessings we received on this land since the preaching of the gospel 50 years ago. It was worth all the hard work putting everything together—our talents, our time—to come up with the best that we could offer Him. Hence, I was moved and most grateful to hear, by the mouth of one of His servants, that our offerings had been accepted.

I think that life in general will be like this Jubilee celebration. The preparations will not be easy for the glorious end. Many will fall and lose their way. Yet those who will endure to the end will receive their sweetest reward—much more than they have ever imagined.

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(Painting by Greg Olsen)

My heart is brimming with happiness during this most festive season!! It also coincides with the month I am celebrating my birth on the earth! As I celebrated my birthday, I was filled with so much joy and gratitude for all the wonderful blessings I have received; for the countless greetings from family and friends; for the warmth, love, and kindness of the people around me; for the opportunities to serve and the inexplicable feeling of bliss which comes along with it! Oh, how my spirit swells!!! 🙂

I’d like to wish you all the same feeling of joy and happiness! May you find peace, love, and a feeling of gratitude that will make your hearts swell as we celebrate the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ this season!

A very merry Christmas to all!!!

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(Photograph by Edwin Redrino)

I don’t watch a lot of TV so I was oblivious to the heartbreaking tragedy that took many innocent lives on Monday until a co-worker pointed it out to me when I arrived at work later that day.  Just a couple of weeks prior to the incident, I was at the exact location where the hostage-taking unfolded, sight seeing and touring the area with a foreign friend. 

In retrospect, I thought how desperate a measure it was that the man took hostages in an attempt to bring back whatever dignity was left of him. I wonder if he had a chance to ponder about the serious repercussions of his plan. Was he able to think about the numerous lives that might have been lost? The many hearts that will be broken? I wonder if he had a chance to get down on his knees to pray for guidance and comfort. I wonder if he received enough support from his family and friends before he committed his fatal act. Clearly, he wasn’t in his proper frame of mind when he did what he did. It was an unfortunate tragedy that left many people saddened, angry, and some scarred for a lifetime.   

In a similar scenario this week, I witnessed how an act of unselfish service blessed the lives of two women who had been through a recent traumatic shooting incident themselves involving loved ones and friends. Someone in a position to help quietly went out of their way to offer comfort and lift the trauma off these women’s distressed minds. I witnessed the real meaning of charity come to life and was deeply touched by what I saw. It was the gospel in action. I wish the hostage-taker had someone like this person reach out to him during his contemplative moments so he didn’t end up doing what he did. But then now it’s too late.        

I sympathize with the families of those whose lives have been lost in such a senseless manner. I wish that those who have passed on have already lived their lives to the fullest and have already accomplished what they came here on earth to do.

In the darkest moments of our lives, it is good to remember that there is always light at the end of the tunnel. That we will not be given anything we won’t be able to bear. That there is help if we but seek it. Heavenly Father is there for us. He is the Father of our spirits and He loves us beyond our comprehension. He will help us when all else fails and we’ve done all that we could. Despite our many challenges and trials, our lives don’t have to end in any kind of tragedy. We can rise above the blues. Our Father wants us to succeed in all aspects of our lives. And He is there watching…and waiting. We just have to reach out to Him.  


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(Photograph by Roxanne Juele-Montojo)

I accidentally watched the final part of a beautiful sunset today inside the car while my friend and I were stuck in heavy traffic on our way to the grocery. I didn’t move the car until I couldn’t see the orange part of the sun anymore. I guess the driver of the car behind me was just as fascinated with the view because I didn’t hear any honks as I enjoyed the moment—or perhaps I just zoned out and time stood still. It felt at that time as if it was just me and the setting sun.

Anyway, earlier in the day, her dog gave her a dead bird “offering” which she found a little bit gross. But I related to her a story I once heard about a cat offering its owner a mouse in exchange for his kindness. In its unique feline world, bringing a dead mouse as a gift must be the grandest and ultimate thing he could do to express his gratitude to his owner for giving him all that he had.

How similar our offerings are to our Creator! He who owns everything in this world does not need anything we can ever offer. But He appreciates all that we do offer Him and asks for no more than a humble heart and a contrite spirit. And when we finally give whatever it is that He had asked of us, He blesses us even more!!

How can we ever repay Him and His goodness? Our offerings must be like the dead bird or mouse. Yet He continues to paint rainbows in the sky and gives us breathtaking sunsets. We are eternally indebted to Him for everything that we have and are, and yet as a parent myself, I know that our Father in Heaven doesn’t need any of our offerings for Him to continue loving us unconditionally and unequivocally. He simply does.


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(Photograph by Franco Advincula)

I’ve been regularly communicating professionally for the past seven months with this complete stranger through various means of modern technology: emails, phone calls, Communicator. Despite the apparent distance (we are located in different parts of the world) and anonymity (except for voice recognition), we managed to virtually accomplish things together and achieve corporate goals set within the confines of our mutual environment.

As days turned into months, respect was slowly earned through small acts of constancy, dependability, and willingness to lend a hand whenever necessary. I felt that being my professional mentor, this person took my growth to heart and sincerely did things to help me progress in that aspect of life.

Many personal battles have also been won during these times and in each case I felt that the professional line that stood between us was carefully treaded to offer comforting support beyond what was called for. By and by, this person became not only a professional colleague, but a virtual friend in every sense of the word.  

Then came the pleasant surprise. We had a chance to meet in person for the first time after all these months of knowing each other only virtually. I was a bit nervous on how it would turn out. I wondered if this person would be the same face-to-face as the person I had been communicating with online.

And it turned out very well.

From the moment that we’ve said hello, I felt very comfortable around this person like we’ve known each other for so long. As we spent time together that day, I realized that our differences in upbringing, race, language, and even our perspective in many ways are bridged by our humanity. That although we were brought up separately and differently, our longings as human beings are the same. That what we consider important in life are similar. That our values and aspirations are alike.

How grateful I am for the grand design of our existence. No matter where we are in the world, we are indeed brothers and sisters who belong to an enormous eternal family. I am grateful for the knowledge that life doesn’t end here, and that our associations here are some of the finest things we can bring with us beyond the veil. And although we hardly recognize each other here on the earth now, I know without a shadow of doubt that none of us are strangers after all.

Enjoy the rest of your week everybody!!! And try to say hi to some of the strangers you come across this day. 🙂

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(Photograph by Edwin Redrino)

Yesterday I watched while the hospital aides wheeled and transferred a very good friend of mine onto her hospital bed as she lay unconscious from the recovery room. I stood in awe thinking how things can change in a snap of a finger in this, our temporary earthly existence.

Not too long ago, this friend supported me in a crucial way during one of my lowest moments and had figuratively become my crutches until I was able to get back up on my feet again. Now, she was lying helpless and numb fighting her own earthly battle, while I quietly stared feeling powerless and completely dependent on the only Being who could bless her with the healing that she needs.

We exchanged text messages the previous day and she expressed how hopeful she was until she found out more about her illness. I told her to have faith in Him and reminded her that everyone will be called “home” at some point and that if she is ever called home now, then I think she is in the best position as she has tried to live up to her potential and is serving Him the best way she can. 

As I waited for her to regain consciousness, I recalled many fond memories of our friendship as well as instances when we overcame misunderstandings that made our friendship even stronger. In most cases, we tried to follow the counsel given in the scriptures to “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:39). Being the more mature and sensible individual, perhaps (okay fine, I am sure) she did a lot more of the understanding and loving while I worked on my idiosyncrasies—which, by the way, is still a work in progress. 🙂

I guess the point I’m driving at is that we have a whole lifetime to perform wondrous things and improve ourselves in many ways; and although we don’t start out as shining, polished gems that we were meant to be, we can do all we can so that when the time comes that we are lying helpless and numb, or when we are called to return back home, then we could look back and declare to the Master as Paul did: “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” (2 Tim. 4:7). 

Have a wonderful day everybody! 🙂 Let us all try to do something good in the world today! 🙂


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(Photograph courtesy of Meridian Magazine)

One would think that to be a man of God a person has to be serious at all times. But based on my limited experience working with a few general authorities, most of them have a zest for life and cheerful countenances that show the happy people they truly are. Perhaps one reason is that they possess this peace inside that passeth all understanding which make them stand unfazed and optimistic even in the midst of a calamity. This peace transcends all outward circumstances that they naturally exhibit through their bright smiles and beaming countenances—a disposition that they inevitably pass on to all those around them.

So I was really ecstatic to see that the living prophet is someone who has a great sense of humor and can laugh even at himself!!! 🙂 I loved it when he made everyone laugh by playing some goofy tunes on the piano on his way back inside the Cebu City Philippines Temple from the cornerstone ceremony. I had to lean over to my daughter to point out that being funny is fine and that it doesn’t mean being irreverent. I did that in the hope that she would finally quit telling me to “behave” every time I am being goofy on many, many occasions. Nyaha! 🙂

Cheerfulness is a bright example worthy of emulation. The memories of family and friendships that I cherish most are those that come from light moments of laughter, fun, and joy.  On the contrary, my lapse in judgment following associations with some grumpy people almost always ended up with heartache and regret.

I take pride and pleasure at the knowledge that I belong to a happy, wacky family and that my life-long friendships are with those who make me laugh my heart out on a regular basis. Thoughts of moments spent with them make me smile and give me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

I invite everyone to follow the prophet and be a little bit more cheerful in our everyday dealings with our fellow beings—even when the situation doesn’t seem very funny. Oh, ESPECIALLY when the situation doesn’t seem very funny! 🙂

Everyone looks good with a smile! Let’s try to wear one more often!!! 🙂

Say CHEESE!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

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(Photograph by Edwin Redrino)

There are times when we cannot help feeling low about some things that are going on in and around our lives. Some of them we cannot control, such as illness and death; some we wish we don’t have to deal with, like manipulative and mean people; and unfortunately, there are some that we may have brought upon our very own selves, such as consequences of our mistakes.

The design of the adversary in this life is to bring us down. He would like us to think that our negative situations will last forever and that there is no more hope or relief for us. But the design of our existence is to experience all these things in this life—both happiness and sorrow—that we might be strong and grow from such earthly experiences.

Yesterday, I had the chance to continue browsing my old folders and saw very old photographs that were taken even some twenty years ago. Almost all of them brought smiles on my face as I recalled the great memories accompanying those shots. I was grateful for the wonders of my camera and how it captured all those precious moments that I will now treasure forever. I also realized the joy and happiness that my loving family and faithful friends have brought me all these years—all the love, support, laughter, and even the tears—through thick and thin. Each photo stirred up an emotion in me that reminded me how beautiful and kind life had been to me despite the many ups and downs I have already encountered. It also gave me hope that whatever challenges we encounter in this life will be but a small moment compared to an eternity of happiness awaiting for us if we will keep trying to press forward in the right direction no matter what it takes! We just simply cannot give up!! We cannot listen to the voice of the opposition telling us that we are not worth what our Savior had died for—because we are of divine worth and are extremely precious in His sight.

In a similar folder, I saw a video of a song written for the youth of this day. “Be strong and of good courage,” the song goes. I thought how appropriate the words are for us during this difficult time, even if we are no longer in our youth.

When my young son was starting to learn how to play the piano, he was discouraged and thought there was no way he would ever be able to play using both his left and right hands simultaneously. He thought it was an impossible task. But I encouraged him and told him that others have already done it so it wasn’t really as impossible as it seemed. He worked hard and practiced day after day and now he plays using both hands even without looking at the keyboard.

Just like him, we can keep our chin up and keep trying even when we are feeling very discouraged, hopeless, hurt, and downtrodden—even when we think it is impossible to surpass our challenges at hand. Most likely, others have already gone through it so it may not really be as impossible to overcome as it may seem. We just have to work hard and keep practicing patience, obedience, repentance, and faith until we finally get it right.

Let us not give place in our hearts anymore to the enemy of our souls! Let us remember and apply the counsel given, that all our trials and challenges will be but for a small moment and will give us experience and will be for our own good. Let us have a mighty change of heart and be strong and of good courage! Maybe then next time we are faced with a similar trial or challenge we can already overcome it even with our eyes closed!

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A very good friend took me to a morning trip out of town yesterday where the scenic road leading to a tranquil secret garden up on the hill was foggy and damp. To my pleasant surprise, it was raining!!! 🙂 It’s been dry and humid the past few weeks so it was refreshing that we had the wiper on as we drove up to that beautiful place! She joked that she really “ordered” for some rain to surprise me ‘coz she knew that I just love it! True enough, I not only enjoyed the trickling sound of the rain but also the scenic view of fascinating trees and multi-colored flowers along the way!! The fog eventually cleared up later in the day enough for us to take a breathtaking view of the famous volcano on the lake! It felt like being in the middle of a rainforest as we ate our breakfast surrounded by a quaint garden! It was an amazing, calming experience for me. 🙂 A much needed break from the hustle and bustle of work and the city.

There are times when we have to stop and make time to recharge so we could start with a clean slate and take on life’s challenges with a fresh perspective. One cannot drink from an empty cup. Sometimes we lose our balance from all the negative influences and exposure we get from the world that drag us down, and just like computers we need to reboot. Even our Father rested after the creation of our world: “And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made” (Gen. 2:2).

I am very grateful for dear friends who make time to help me clear my head, put me back on track, and assist me in rebooting my system. I’m very blessed to have them in my life. I feel rejuvenated after yesterday’s trip, ready and better equipped to take on whatever it is that is up ahead.

I wish that you may all take time out of your busy schedules and reboot your systems from time to time as well. It doesn’t have to be an out of town trip. It may be a visit to the salon or your favorite spa, or a swim in the pool, or a walk in the park. Do whatever works for you! 🙂 But just go out there, pamper yourselves, and take some time off to relax and have some fun! 🙂 Enjoy!!! 🙂


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(Photograph by Franco Advincula)

It was my charming little nephew’s 5th birthday yesterday and his mom and dad decided to bring him (and us!) to an oceanarium! Much to my delight, observing the various sea animals and plants under water was such a soothing experience! Not to mention watching the world-famous sunset by the bay at dinner time, and feeling the cool breeze on our faces as we listened to the waves gently rushed to shore. A calming, peaceful moment for me indeed!

I thought it was amazing how those schools of fish coexist in enormous aquariums—practically dwarfing the tourists coming in—swimming around for many hours without bumping into each other! Aside from the colorful fishes, I enjoyed the corals, starfishes, sharks, eels, and the scuba diver! Nyahaha! 🙂

There was an interesting pair that caught our fancy. It was a stingray swimming all over the place with another kind of regular-looking fish swimming directly under it at the same speed—as if they were two friends playing and protecting each other from the rest of the sea world—although they were apparently too different. There was some sort of rhythm and order under water that I found not only mysterious, but elegant as well. No doubt a living proof of an Omnipotent Creator who oversees those beautiful, magnificent creatures!

As we sat in the middle of the aquarium tunnel gazing at the lovely aquatic animals above and around us, I thought of what similarities those fishes have with human beings in terms of striving to coexist peacefully without figuratively bumping into each other. How we, as human beings, have our own goals and aspirations in life and in trying to reach them might have to specifically divert our paths to avoid clashing with other people’s course.

There are times when doing this becomes difficult, especially when lives are mingled with those we care about and conflicts arise due to differing opinions. But then again, another major difference that we have with the fishes is that we are thinking creatures and are thus capable of evaluating situations in an intelligent manner.

It’s a relief to be reminded that the measure of our existence goes way beyond just being baked, grilled, fried, or broiled at the end of the day. It entails even much more than being showcased within the confines of a massive oceanarium. And if we are to reach our divine potential, I guess we must follow the example of the stingray and its friend. Because in order to survive, one essential thing we must learn is to coexist amicably with other human creatures on this habitat—no matter if they are starfish-like, shark-like, eel-like, or in alien form such as the scuba diver!! 🙂

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This day marks the second year since this blogger posted her first scribbling on this blog site now known as “Riches of Eternity.” How time flies!!!

Needless to say, the experience has been very rewarding—with the many wonderful readers I have met in person and online, and all the lessons we’ve learned from each other’s thoughts and teachings. This has been an amazing cyberspace journey I didn’t expect to last. But it did. And for that I am most grateful.

I am thankful for the privilege to share my thoughts through the pages of this blog; for the lessons I have learned from each of the experiences and testimonies you’ve shared; for the Spirit that touched our lives through the written words; for those who have encouraged and inspired me to write and to keep writing; for my friends who have let me use their photos of God’s creations that graced each of my blog entries; for your comments and visits; and basically for all your constant support. THANK YOU SOOO VERY MUCH!!! 🙂

I strongly believe that we should celebrate life and all its exciting milestones!! From the simplest first steps of a little child, or a blooming plant inside the bathroom, or a pound of weight lost after dieting for a week, to the more complicated ones as reaching the sixth month since starting a friendship with someone who turns out to be our best friend!!! 🙂

Whatever it is that you are commemorating today, come and celebrate with me!!! 🙂


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