
Archive for June 25th, 2010

(Photograph by Edwin Redrino)

For Family Home Evening this week, my daughter suggested that we play the game of life. I was confused and didn’t quite catch what she meant the first time she said it until she showed me the “Game of Life” board game in our laptop. Yes, even board games are digital now!!! 🙂

They both teased me for not being able to spin the “wheel of life” the right way that I had to use the automatic spin button whenever it was my turn. And although I finished last and retired with the least amount of money (it must be my poor spinning, nyahaha! 🙂 ), I had a lot of fun and would definitely play that game again. 

Of course there’s a vast difference between the game of life that we played and real life. The board game was not able to capture many situations that happen in real life. It also limited the choices of the players as to where and how far along they ended up in the game because their destiny depended pretty much on the number they got after spinning the wheel. I’m glad that in real life we have free agency and can make our own choices. And where we end up and how happy we become will depend on those choices.

Once I was talking with a colleague about certain situations in our workplace that make work life a little bit challenging. She taught me a lesson that I will remember for a long time. She said that after dealing with a difficult co-worker, she had decided she would not let his actions affect or upset her. That she would just dismiss his negativity and go about doing her own business. It certainly worked for her and she had been happier in the workplace ever since.

Yesterday it was raining and some people I know chose to enjoy the cool breeze while others complained about getting their shoes wet—same situation, different attitudes. Those who chose to enjoy the rain most definitely had a better time than those who chose to whine about it.

Life is all about making choices and having the right attitude. Happiness comes by choosing to look at the brighter side of things. We may all be given the same circumstances, but our attitude towards them will make a whole lot of difference on how happy we will be.

It is my wish that we could all learn to look at the brighter side of things, no matter what the situation is. There is always that positive viewpoint even when we don’t see it right away. True, there must be opposition in all things, but we don’t have to lose sight of the better perspective.

Let’s choose to be happy everybody!! 🙂 Have a great week ahead!!! 🙂

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